Sunday, January 22, 2006

Welcome Koufax voters!

I'm excited to be one of the many fine nominees for the "Best New Blog" Koufax Award for 2005. As noted in the previous post, "Adventures in Ethics and Science" has a cool new home over at ScienceBlogs. But, a lot of the good stuff is still here where it all started.

Because I know you want to make an informed decision about your vote (or, you know, put off doing actual work for a little while), here's a quick tour of my posts here. A few of these are big-traffic posts via search engine results, while others are posts that are dear to my heart (the "unsung heroes" of the archives). It's my hope that these will give you a taste of some of the issues in ethics and science that seize my hands and make me blog.

Scientific Misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and their pals)
When scientists get caught doing bad stuff -- especially when it's in the news -- it tends to set me off. I rant, but I also try to draw some lessons from it.

The Farm League
Some of the instances that might not rise (sink?) to the level of full-blown misconduct, but that are slimy enough that they ought to make responsible scientists glower.

Research with animals

Research with human subjects

Playing well with other scientists
A round-up of day to day issues in the responsible conduct of scientific research.

Teaching science, teaching ethics

Science for the rest of us
The public funds science; what are the public's interests where science is concerned? And what kind of duties do scientists have when it comes to getting the public to understand what science is up to?

That should give you a feel for where I've been so far -- I'm looking forward to taking on a lot more, and I welcome your comments on all of it.

UPDATE: I think all the links are working properly now. Thanks to commenters and emailers who pointed out the broken ones.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Ray Mason said...

science and religion nevergo handin hand ...itt is true that often the church and science have clashed bitterly, leaving both sides--and the rest of the world--with the sense that there will never be a way to compromise.

One of the best examples of this clash was in the 17th century, when galileo crossed the Catholic Church
. Although history books teach that it was because of his scientific theories, there may have been more to it than that--he may have just offended the pope, Urban VIII, who had been his friend for many years. Whatever the cause, this clash brought the differences between science and religion into high relief, as well as the stress the Reformation was putting on the Holy Mother Church. galileo, however, never said that religion was wrong and science was right. Although it would seem to be the way to placate the church, he truly believed it; however, it not only did not help his cause, it made it worse

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